Trust us with your legal needs
Bespoke legal support
We provide advice as you need it. You might need a particular negotiation handled, an experienced team to advise on potential litigation or you might just want to run a plan past an advisor.
Consider us in house - Confidence, outsourced.
What can we offer?
Strategic support for deals, settlements and negotiations
Commercial contract drafting and negotiation
Coordination of mulit-jurisdictional & or multi-expert needs
Technology focussed advice and strategy
Board level strategic and legal advice
In house support
Complex contract advice
Initial dispute resolution document review
Due diligence support
Red flag contract reviews
How do we charge?
We charge in a way which is mutually beneficial. We are clear and honest in our charging, and can offer:
Day rates
Hourly rates
Project rates
Our hourly rates can vary. An hourly rate relating to a contract negotiation would be £200.00 + VAT per hour.
How does it work?
We listen to what you need, advise you on what work you would need us to do and then put together the charging model, timeframe and work style.
You can help manage that with us. We are flexible and want to work with you, not against you.